Climax Shelly School
District #592
Home of the Knights
"Preparing Students Today for Success in a Challenging Tomorrow"
Back to School Reminders
Welcome Back Climax-Shelly Students
The First Day of School is Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Lunch Program
Please fill out our Online Meal Application Form:
Click here for the Online Meal Application Form(LINQ) & LINQ How to Guide and FAQ Sheet
Minnesota Free School Meals Program. All students are eligible for one free breakfast and one free lunch each school day. Although no application is required to receive this free meal benefit, families still need to complete the "Application for Educational Benefits." Filling out this application may qualify your student(s) for other benefits such as reduced sports fees. The application also helps the school qualify for important funds, discounts, and grants.
Student directory annual notice:
The school district shall give public annual notice by any means that are reasonably likely to inform the parents and eligible students of:
a. the types of personally identifiable information regarding students and/or parents that the school district has designated as directory information;
b. the parent’s or eligible student’s right to refuse to let the school district designate any or all of those types of information about the student and/or the parent as directory information; and
c. the period of time in which a parent or eligible student has to notify the school district in writing that he or she does not want any or all of those types of information about the student and/or the parent designated as directory information.
Check List:
New students Open Enrollment fill out the Open Enrollment Packet (Updated 7.23.24)
New students In District fill out the In District Enrollment Packet (Updated 7.23.24)
Fill out the Free and Reduced Meal Application: JMC Family Portal (Updated 7.22.24)
Pay your $20 Technology Fee. (Updated 7.22.24)
Look at and sign up for Knight Pack Registration (Updated 8.27.24)
Look at the Sports Facebook Page for updated information (Updated 7.22.24)
Look at the School Supply List (Updated 7.22.24)
Look at the Bus Route Information (Updating Soon)
Look at the Return to Learn Safety Plan (Updated 7.22.24)
Look at the E-Learning Info (Updated 7.22.24)
Look at the Unpaid Meal Policy (Updated 7.22.24)
12. Look at the School Calendar (Updated 7.22.24)
13. Look at the Student Handbooks: High School and Elementary (Updating Soon)
14. Look at the Class Schedule (Updated 8.27.24)
15. Pay your Sport & Activity Fees(LINQ) (Updated 7.22.24)
Email Ashley ( or call the school (218-857-2395) to update your student's information so we have the most up-to-date information for our alert system. Check out the website for up-to-date information.
Attention Parents and Family Members
Are you looking for a change? We have opportunities at the school for full-time, part-time, and sub positions, check out the employment tab on our website. Employment

To help with additional school funding, be sure to fill out your Application for Educational Benefits
Paper copies can be found in
the front office.